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Peer Partner Application 2024/2025

Fields marked with an asterisk (*) are required.

This application must be completed by the Peer Partner Applicant themselves!

Please complete this additional application to become a Peer Partner in the Ski & Snowboard Program. Volunteers accepted into the program will receive notification via email.
*Due to the popularity of this program and the limited number of students - we cannot guarantee placement to all volunteers that apply.

Peer Partners are youth volunteers between the ages of 11 and 16. Peers must be intermediate to advanced skiers or snowboarders. If accepted into the program, Peer Volunteers are paired with a youth participant with a cognitive disability for each of their weekly session lessons.
Peer Partner roles and responsibilities include: modeling good behavior and safe skiing, getting to know the participant, encouraging independence in the participant, and having fun!

Peer Volunteers must commit to accompanying participants on their weekly lessons for the duration of a Session (Friday, Saturday, or Sunday for the morning or afternoon only): 
Lesson Times: AM Lessons - 9:00 AM - 11:30 AM. PM Lessons - 12:30 PM - 3:00 PM 
Session 1: December 6th - 16th (2-Week Commitment) - FULL
Session 2: January 3rd - February 3rd (5-Week Commitment) - FULL
Session 3: February 28th - March 31st (5-Week Commitment)

If accepted into the program, new peers must attend a training.
Session 1 Training: December 1st - 1:00 PM - 3:00 PM - FULL
Session 2 Training: December 29th - 1:00 PM - 3:00 PM - FULL
Session 3 Training: February 22nd - 1:00 PM - 3:00 PM

The Ski & Snowboard Volunteer Coordinator will schedule peer volunteers on a training and send them notification via email. Peers will be assigned to the training for the session they are signed up for. Training takes place at the NAC Mountain Center at Park City Mountain Resort both on snow and indoors. Peers should arrive ready to ski in the appropriate clothing and with their gear ready. A day pass to Park City Mountain Resort is provided to any volunteers who do not already have a pass.
Please note that NAC does not provide ski or snowboard rentals.

Contact Information

Emergency Contact

Peer Partner Application

Ski & Snowboard Experience


Session 1 and 2 are now filled and not accepting any more applicants

What is your day and time preference for volunteering?
More flexibility will increase odds of being matched up with a peer.

*Note that peer volunteers arrive 15 minutes prior to lesson start, 8:45 a.m. or 12:15 p.m.
Lesson start times for participants are 9:00 AM - 11:30 AM and 12:30 PM - 3:00 PM

Session 1 and 2 trainings have already taken place and are not accepting any more applicants


National Ability Center
1000 Ability Way
Park City, Utah 84060


Ranch: (435) 649-3991
Mountain Center: (435) 940-1596


Common Messages